Welcome to my website!
please allow me to break character on this page to
talk about what I've done here. if you managed to
stumble onto this site that means one of three
options has occurred:
* You are a friend of mine and i forced you here
* You were browsing Neocities
and i popped up
* You googled one of the words i used as tags and
scrolled far enough that i popped up
either way you have chosen or been chosen to gaze
your eyeballs on my website and i welcome you!
as you may have noticed this site is directly
based off of the design of the early 2000's
blockbuster video website, i took possibly way too
much effort to redesign*
it into the site you see today.
Now this may surprise you but i am a lesbian born
in the good ole year of 2003
this means my formative brain development
years are from when the internet was at it's peak,
i grew up on Club Penguin and Yogscast!
I love bunnies, retro technology, the kawaii
aesthetic, space, multiverse and time travel
I'm also a good capitalist consumer and have an
unhealthy attachment to several mascots and
branding styles.
i have ADD and will not shut up about random
things my brain decided to remember and play on
repeat so please be patient if i said i did your
mom or i hardly know her several times in one
I'm married to my beautiful goddess wife Bridget
Guilty Gear
and that's all the time i got, i've got to get
back to playing the Chibi-Robo! game for the
Nintendo Gamecube system, if you want to know
more, that's kinda weird cause this was already a
Link to me on your site!

maybe support my nitro pepsi addiction? :3